We understand life can be busy and complicated, which is why we provide a variety of services to make things easier on you and your furry family. Take a look below to see what we offer and contact us with any questions.
Prices for boarding Dogs: $40.00 per night. Cats: $10.00 per night. We offer multi pet discounts as well, two Dogs from the same family $60.00 per night. Two cats from the same household $15.00 per night. At PKR we have a 3pm check in/check out time, what this means is if an animal is dropped off before 3pm or picked up after 3pm additional charges will be applied, dogs are allowed to be dropped off &/or picked up between 8am - 6pm, communication just has to be made and approved beforehand.
Any cancelations four days or less before the date of drop off, will be subject to a 25% cancelation fee.
PKR offers grooming as well for both our feline and canine companions.CATS: nail trim $10Lion cut $50 additional charges may apply due to attitude, matting etc Dry bath $10 Wet bath $20
DOGS: Nails $10 Baths $10 - $20 Small dog full grooming $50 plus Medium dog full grooming $60 - $80 Large dog full grooming $100 plus
ALL PRICES ARE STARTING RATES. This means that additional charges may and can apply pending dogs exact size, style or cut, matting, attitude etc;
I offer scent free grooms with a hypoallergenic shampoo by earthbath.
Walks :)I try my best to walk dogs daily mainly Monday to Friday, which is included in the overall boarding fee. But if you'd like a GUARANTEED daily walk, it would be $10 additional each day that I wouldn't have been able to offer this service for all residents.All kongs, treats, puzzle games and anything else you can think of, is included with your pet's stay.